Tag Archives: Spicer Uni joint replacement by Twin Spring Coupling

Replace your Spicer 1000, 1200 and 1310 universal joints with a no bearings, high torque high speed coupling by Twin Spring Coupling. One piece design, no Yokes, no greasing, no worn bearing replacement

Cardan Joints or Universal joints, how about something better

Cardan Joints or Hooke joints? The Cardan joint was invented by Gerolamo Cardano in the 15th century, or at least the gimbal mountings that a modern day Universal joint contains. The Cardan joint gimbals are what we see today in the cross or bearings cross of a universal joint, the actual universal joints themselves were […]

Spicer Universal joints vs Twin Spring Coupling flexible alternative

Automotive Universal Joints replacement with Twin Spring Coupling

Spicer Universal joints vs a bearing free, flexible alternative. Spicer Uni joints design are broken into two different offerings With 2 models both use needle bearing in the bearing cross, one is greaseable, the other is not as it is called a permanently greased. The universal joint is all the same whether a friction bearing […]