Search Results for: lovejoy

The true cost of universal joints

Automotive Universal Joints replacement with Twin Spring Coupling

The true cost of universal joints are not so simple, a low initial price but with ongoing maintenance means it becomes a lot more expensive Lets face it, its an old technology, 115 years old to be exact, the first use of the word by inventor Robert Hooke in 1676 shows the coupling is far […]

Spring’s here – its universal joint maintenance time.

Lovejoy NB10B-UJ-3/4X3/4-NKW NSS BE

Spring’s here – its universal joint maintenance time. Universal Joint and power transmission couplings So the weather is changing, the short cold days of winter are starting to recede. Now is the time of the service manager starting to his maintenance schedule for plant and equipment. Couplings come into play here as the constant greasing […]

Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions when dealing with Twin Spring Coupling – Coupling replacement technology You buy something you pay for it. Our couplings are the best, we know as we have compared them to Lovejoy Couplings and Spicer U joints and they are just plain better, no maintenance no bearings to replace. That being said we […]



Welcome to our Shop. Please select from our range of all kinds of power transmission couplings. Whether they be a Universal joint whether Block and Pin or Needle Bearing or elastomeric couplings like jaw type coupling, we can replace most couplings We offer replacements for the following coupling manufacturers. Spicer, Lovejoy, Ruland, Belden, Boston Gear, […]